Refund policy

Refund Policy

When you return an item, your refund amount and method may vary depending on the condition of the item you returned versus the item you received and the vendor selling the product.  

  • For ALL items sold on this website, the return window is 3-5 hours after delivery. To check the return window for an item you've ordered, go to my orders and select Return or Replace Items. 
  • All items must be confirmed within the return window time to verify you’ve received it in original condition as ordered.  
  • Conditions are item not damaged or spilled, wrong order size or quantity (L for Large, M for Medium etc), shirts worn out or smell like it has been worn before, kicks look new and not dirty. But not, assumed is cotton but Nylon. Please read description well before purchasing  
  • If an item must be returned because it’s a vendor’s fault and within the return window, different product can be issued upon receiving returned product, if product is no longer needed, 100% of the item price will be refunded. 
  • If returned packages are received in a bad state, there will be a deduction up to 70% of the item price depending on the state of the item. 
  • If an item must be returned because it’s a customer’s fault and within the return window, different product can be issued upon receiving returned product, if product is no longer needed, 50% of the item price will be refunded. 
  • If an item must be returned and is NOT a vendor’s fault and NOT within the return window, there will be NO refund.